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NUPGE supports regularization and #StatusForAll

"Migrant and undocumented people deserve the same rights, employment standards, and access to services as Canadians. A broad and inclusive regularization program, along with addressing the systemic issues in Canada’s immigration and refugee system, will be crucial." — Bert Blundon, NUPGE President

Ottawa (31 Aug. 2022) — The National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE) is joining the calls for a federal regularization program that grants #StatusForAll.

Bert Blundon, President of NUPGE, has sent a letter to Prime Minister Trudeau and immigration minister, Sean Fraser, about the proposed regularization program for people without status in Canada.

Historic opportunity

Thanks to hard-fought advocacy by migrant-led groups like Migrant Rights Network, the federal Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship was directed in his mandate letter(link is external) to develop a regularization program. This means giving permanent resident status to undocumented people in Canada.

In May, Parliament passed motion M-44(link is external), calling for permanent resident status for migrant workers with temporary or insecure status. This summer, the Minister has indicated(link is external) that he is moving forward on the regularization program. 

“This is a historic opportunity to extend permanent residence to an estimated 1.7 million migrants—our neighbours, co-workers, and community members,” wrote Blundon.

Pandemic shone a light

“The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the valuable contributions that migrant and undocumented people make to our communities and to our economy as a whole,” wrote Blundon. “They are among those working in critical jobs, in everything from food production to caring for our most vulnerable.”

“And yet, they don’t have access to the same rights and protections as others. They too often face unsafe working and living conditions, precarious employment, and barriers to accessing public and social services, all in addition to discrimination and racism.”

“NUPGE believes that migrant and undocumented people deserve the same rights, employment standards, and access to services as Canadians,” wrote Blundon. NUPGE has previously called on the Canadian government for full, permanent immigration status for all, without exclusions

Need to get the program right

“Today, on behalf of NUPGE, I am calling on your government to resist pressures to adopt a narrow approach in this program such as offering status to workers in only certain sectors,” wrote Blundon.

“Instead, I urge you to develop a regularization program for all undocumented people.”

Blundon echoed the call from Migrant Rights Network(link is external) to regularize all non-status people and to implement a regularization program that is comprehensive, clear, without exclusion, and without detention and deportation. It is important that low-wage migrant workers in Canada, often providing critical goods and services to us all, have immediate access to permanent residency. 

“A broad and inclusive regularization program, along with addressing the systemic issues in Canada’s immigration and refugee system, will be crucial(link is external),” Blundon emphasized.

Add your voice 

NUPGE is among the numerous organizations(link is external) and thousands of individuals(link is external) calling for status for all.

You can take action by adding your name to Migrant Rights Network’s petition(link is external). The online tool will send a message to your elected representative. 

There is also a day of action planned for September 18, the day before Parliament returns. Find a local action or event using the online map(link is external).