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NUPGE reaffirms its commitment to be part of the movement for climate action, environmental justice, and environmental sustainability.
Ottawa (6 Dec. 2019) — As the first week of COP 25 comes to a close, NUPGE releases its final backgrounders in the series We Must Act for an Environmentally Sustainable Future. The final three pieces released today focus on solutions.
Canada is part of the problem
Despite some positive steps taken on climate policy during Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s last term, Canada is still part of the problem.
According to a recent report from the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), global fossil fuel production is on track to far exceed the commitments under the Paris Agreement. The Production Gap Report finds that by 2030, global fossil fuel production will exceed the Paris targets by between 50% and 120%, that is, governments are projected to produce 50% more fossil fuels than would be consistent with the 2°C pathway and 120% greater than would be consistent with a 1.5°C pathway.
Looking at 10 countries, including Canada, the report points finds that “despite their stated climate ambitions, many governments continue to widen the gap between fossil fuel production and climate goals” by supporting production in a variety of ways, such as through fossil fuel subsides.
Governments must be part of the solution
Evidently, governments have a massive role to play in facilitating (or in hindering) progress on climate action and environmental sustainability.
The Canadian government must take meaningful action on climate change. They must also provide the necessary regulations, policy change, and resources to respond to the environmental challenges confronting us.
The backgrounder entitled Governments Must Take Action identifies many examples.
The role of public services
A strong public sector, too, must be part of the solution.
Not only will publicly delivered green energy and transit become increasingly important, but also public and social service providers will be crucial to caring for those who are impacted by environmental degradation, particularly vulnerable communities who face the highest risks.
Read more about the value of a robust public sector in the backgrounder, The Public Sector Will Be Part of the Solution.
Unions must be part of the solution
The Canadian labour movement has long been an advocate for a just transition. Workers and their labour representatives must be included in the decision-making and policy-making processes to foster a just transition.
As outlined in the final backgrounder presented to members at our 2019 Triennial Convention in June, NUPGE reaffirms its commitment to be part of the movement for climate action, environmental justice, and environmental sustainability.
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