NUPGE expresses sorrow over wildfire devastation, urges fair treatment for forest firefighters

Coloured NUPGE logo with tagline "unions for public good"

July 26 2024

The National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE) shares the profound sadness being expressed across the country for the individuals and communities impacted by the devastating wildfires raging in Jasper, Alberta. The anguish of those who have lost homes, livelihoods, and peace of mind due to this catastrophe is unfathomable.

“The devastation in Alberta is heartbreaking,” said NUPGE President Bert Blundon. “We send thoughts of comfort to all those affected, and we are deeply grateful for the courage of all the workers who are taking great risks to protect lives and communities. We wish that everyone will be safe, from those being evacuated to the brave first responders fighting these dangerous fires.” 

The National Union noted that forest firefighters, also known as wildland firefighters, are once again on the front lines in Alberta. “Their bravery, skill, and unwavering dedication under harrowing conditions are nothing short of heroic,” Blundon said.

He emphasized that the Alberta fires are part of a larger pattern, following disastrous fires in Newfoundland and British Columbia this summer. “It’s an urgent situation nationally that needs coordinated action from different levels of government on multiple fronts, including the workforce we rely on to fight these increasingly severe fires.”

NUPGE urges the federal government to do its part to ensure fair treatment for forest firefighters by correcting their exclusion from the firefighter category in the National Occupational Classification (NOC). That means categorizing them as firefighters and recognizing their work alongside other public safety occupations.

The National Union says there is consensus across the country that these measures are long overdue.  Additionally, NUPGE has called on all provincial and territorial governments to provide presumptive coverage for cancers, and for heart and lung diseases for these workers.