Canada passes Pharmacare Act: Now, governments need to act

October 16 2024

The National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE) is applauding the passage of Bill C-64, a law that sets the foundation for universal pharmacare in Canada. This is a major victory that, once implemented and expanded, will have a profound impact on health care and in people’s lives. A comprehensive single-payer system that ensures first-dollar coverage for essential medications will save Canadians billions of dollars a year by reducing drug costs, expanding accessibility and helping to control poor prescribing habits.

Don’t play politics with our health care system

All these benefits, however, will only be realized when provincial and territorial governments step up and work with the federal government on implementing pharmacare. Bill C-64 starts with diabetes medication and contraception, two very critical categories of medications. Allowing millions of Canadians to access these medications and treatments without barriers is a major step forward. Canadians, however, want a comprehensive pharmacare program and that means working to expand the medications covered under this legislation.

Unfortunately, even these first steps toward true pharmacare are being hurt by partisan political stances. NUPGE is disappointed that the Alberta government has indicated it will not agree to joining the pharmacare program, in a stance similar to Quebec, Alberta is seeking equivalent funding without committing to expanding access to diabetes medications and contraception. Positively, an agreement was reached with British Columbia to implement this phase of pharmacare, but more provinces need to step forward.

Overwhelmingly positive response to pharmacare

NUPGE is calling on all provincial and territorial governments to come to the table, respect the passage of Bill C-64, and negotiate pharmacare for Canadians. Polls done by the Canadian Health Coalition note that 75% of Canadians support a national program. Pharmacare support cuts across all party lines and NUPGE is calling on all governments to move forward with pharmacare and to avoid playing politics with our health care system.

Despite the bill passing and Canadians supporting pharmacare, the work is far from over. NUPGE is committed to working with our allies and all Canadians to ensure that pharmacare is implemented fully in Canada. Provincial and territorial governments must hear from Canadians to ensure they work with the federal government and negotiate the bilateral deals on pharmacare as soon as possible. As advocates for public health care and as a union representing more than 180,000 frontline health care workers, NUPGE will continue to push for a universal pharmacare program that lives up to the promise of Bill C-64. Pharmacare is not just a win for today—it is a foundation for a better healthcare system for future generations.