Support equity and fairness for Forest/Wildland firefighters


Message your MP

Despite their invaluable service, Forest and Wildland firefighters do not receive the recognition, protections, and retirement benefits that their urban/structural firefighter counterparts do. This disparity is primarily due to their exclusion under the Public Safety Occupation provisions of the federal Income Tax Act. You can help support our Forest/Wildland firefighters by sending a message to your MP. By doing so, you will continue to build momentum for change and ensure that these essential workers receive the recognition and protection they rightfully deserve.

2024 fire season has already started

2023 was one of the worst fire seasons in Canada’s history and this year is slated to be just as severe. Forest/Wildland firefighters are already on the ground doing vital work in several communities. Forest/Wildland firefighters' workplace is incredibly dangerous. The work they do encompasses inherent risks, hazards, stress, and negative long-term health impacts, and often prevents these workers from enjoying a full and long retirement. Yet, Forest/Wildland firefighters do not receive the same recognition, protections and benefits as their urban/structural counterparts. We need to fix this built-in inequality, and need your help.