NUPGE celebrates Canadian Sustainable Jobs Act passing

June 19 2024

The National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE) welcomes the passing of the Canadian Sustainable Jobs Act in the Senate. This means it the legislation will return to the House of Commons to be given royal assent to become law.

“This legislation is long overdue, but it is a critical step towards ensuring a Just Transition for workers and communities as we take action on the climate crisis,” said Bert Blundon, NUPGE President.

The Canadian Sustainable Jobs Act is important because it will ensure that workers will have a seat at the table in developing the strategies, policies, and programs we need to help workers and communities thrive in the transition to a low-carbon economy.

“It’s essential that workers have a voice—not only because we are impacted by the transition to a low-carbon economy but also because we have vital knowledge and expertise to contribute to developing the way forward,” Blundon added. “Workers know what’s needed in their workplaces, sectors, and communities.”

Blundon explained that this includes workers delivering public services, who are affected by a major economic transition in any community and are responding to the impacts of climate change every day. Public service workers are helping communities respond to disasters, or providing health care in the face of rising pollution and extreme conditions. “Public sector workers, including NUPGE members, are a valuable part of supporting the transition and must be part of the Sustainable Jobs Action Plans that will be developed,” Blundon said.

Workers and their unions have long been calling for federal legislation to support a Just Transition in Canada. Most recently, NUPGE members have continued this effort by taking part in our Climate Change at Work campaign.

“Thank you to all the workers and activists, including our members, who pushed to make this law happen,” said Blundon. “There is still much work to be done, and we look forward to continuing the work to ensure a Just Transition is a reality.”